Friday, April 9, 2010

Give Generously

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6

God has made a promise to us that if we sow generously into His kingdom, He will reward us greatly. The more generously we give to those in need, the more we will receive a generous crop.

Now usually when I think of this verse I think of being rewarded by men. My thoughts are, if I help them in their time of need then someday when they are doing well they will bless me for helping them. As I was thinking about this verse I realized that this wrong thinking. When we give to those in need and to the least of these, we are giving to God and we are serving Him. He is the one who will reward us. We do not receive our reward from man, but from God. God will reward us so much more than man ever can; everything on this earth and in heaven is His.

So let us keep this in mind. Christ will reward those who sow into His kingdom.
Let us not bless others so that we may receive the approval of man and their blessing, rather let us bless others in secret so that only God will know and He will reward us.

One more thought to add; Christ's reward to us and answers to prayer are not always what we may think.