Wednesday, September 29, 2010

God Interruptions

This morning I had such neat experience. I had just worked out for the first time at the gym in a long time and was on a great start for the day getting settled in at Starbucks for some time spent with the Lord and reading His word. It was completely packed today and every table was full except the handicap table and I felt bad for taking it but I did anyway. I made sure to keep my eye out for anyone who might need the table more than I.

Then a guy asked me if I was meeting anyone here and if he could share the table with me and I had no problem with it so I let him join me. Right at that moment I really felt like this guy was also in ministry and at least a christian himself and I thought about asking him but I decided against it. I just put my headphones back in to some worship music, while I continued to read my daily reading of the Bible. Just a few minutes later my friend Jon a creative arts pastor from a church in southern Denver walks in and we start a conversation and talk about the books were reading and what theology classes I am taking. This conversation is obviously heard by the guy sitting across from me and he asks me if I am in Seminary.

From this point on I find out that he had just finished Seminary out in Portland and was in the process of possibly becoming a youth pastor at another church in town! The guys name is Brandon and the three of us just ended up talking for at least an hour about ministry and all the stuff that God is doing in our lives. It was such a cool meeting and I really felt that God had orchestrated it all.

I am not sure what this connection holds for the future, but I know that if God put it together then He definitely has some plans in the future and I want to be a part of it. Moral of the story is that, don't be too busy to be interrupted by appointments that God may have planned for you throughout your day. In the long run you'll be better off for it. My day has been so blessed by this interruption from what I had planned and I am so thankful. Ill be praying for Brandon as he finds out so soon if he gets the job as a youth pastor or not.

Friday, September 24, 2010

What's Keeping You?

I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.
- Isaiah 44:22 (NLT)

As I came across this verse in today's One Year Bible reading plan, I got a better picture of how much God paid for us by having Jesus die on the cross for our sins. God,..."wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth." 1 Tim 2:4 (NLT) So logically He paid a price that would be enough to cover all the sins of all the world through all ages of time. That's a HUGE price! The enemy likes for us to think that our sin is too great for us to ever come back to God. But when you think about this, how could your sin ever be to great for what Christ did on the cross? It is a slap in the face to God saying that He didn't pay enough.

So then we can simply come to God in repentance, which is refocusing our eyes back on Jesus and allowing Him to change us, and know that we are made righteous. It is only through Christ that we have right standing with God in heaven. So what is keeping us from God? Maybe it's because we think we messed up too much in our lives. If that's the reason, then know that it's a lie from the enemy. You have nothing holding you back from God.