Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Daily Provision

"The believers comfort is like Israel's manna. It is daily rained, as that was, from heaven. We are told that God gave people manna to humble them (Deuteronomy8:16). Do not suppose it humbled them because it was poor man's food, for it was in fact angels food (Psalm 78:25). Rather, the manner of dispensing it kept them meek. God held the key to their cupboard. They were forced to wait upon him and continually acknowledge that He and He alone was the source of their need. God communicates our spiritual comforts in the same way and for the same purpose - to humble us." -William Gurnall

I read this tonight, and it spoke so much to me. It is a lesson I must learn over and over again. God will provide for us what we need daily. Not only is this true of our physical needs--such as finances and health--but it is also true with our spiritual needs. We need to daily come before God for our spiritual food. We need to come to Him daily for His strength to empower us through our day.

God not only provides for us our daily needs, but He provides for us more than enough so that we may be a blessing to others. There is no need for us to hoard what God provides. The Israelites were told not to save the day's manna for tomorrow. They were told to take what they needed for the day. If we try to hoard what God blesses us with, it will soon spoil.

Dear God, help me to trust in Your provision. Help me to daily come before You for my
sustenance. Do not let me put my trust in my own strength, but may I always look to You for everything.

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